

Jason Nagy




Mainspring Innovation, LLC

Phone Number

+1 720 917 6815

LinkedIn Profile|

Summary of Experience

I have 10 years of experience in international development in South Asia and Africa, but have only recently begun working on blockchain projects (land titling and electronic health records for now).

Professional Goals & Objectives

I am interested across the board in smart cities, rural development and distributed generation applications. I am enthusiastic about the potential for the technology to include more people in income-generation and co-operative ownership (greater equality and community development)….and the role of blockchain in efficient resource allocation and use.

Domain Experience

Aerospace / Aviation, Agriculture, Communications / Media / Printing / Publishing, Education /Training, Environmental & Waste Management, Finance / Banking / Insurance, Government / Military / Defense, Healthcare / Medical / Medical Devices, Marketing / Market Research / Public Relations, Telecommunications, Transportation / Distribution / Railway, Utilities & Energy

Use Case Experience

Asset Management, Electronic Medical Records, Financial Instruments, Identity Management, Property Management, Supply Chain Management

Availability for Work or Contract Opportunities

Full Time

Available for Travel*
